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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Oneida, WI

location-map Oneida , WI | (715) 314 3179

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From 0 Reviews

If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, AODA issues, I am here to support those who are struggling with substance abuse issues and mental health issues. I specialize in helping people identify their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how to make positive changes in their lives by taking responsibility for them. I enjoy guiding and supporting the difficult process one takes as they discover their true potential and trust the process of healing. View 6 Photos I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor and I can offer positive support and guidance for those who are making changes in their lives from a variety of struggles. We understand how hard it can be to reach out so we have several options to contact us. We now have two locations to serve you including Woodruff, WI and Shawano, WI.